Our crane mats are made from 12”x12” Douglas-fir or Hemlock timbers that have minimal wane. We custom cut a 6” notch at each end of the mat to expose the first bolt which can then be used as a lifting point. To fasten our mats together, we use 1” bolts which are counter sunk at each end to eliminate any hazards. Standard in stock sizes are 4'x16' and 4'x20'. As we mill our own logs, we can also custom build crane mats to whatever specification is required by the customer.
A new and innovative product that Canada Rig Mats has developed and added to its product line is the crane mat bridge. These bridges are used for creek/ditch crossing where heavy equipment or light duty vehicles need access. Crane mat bridges assist our customers in reducing their environmental impact while operating in sensitive areas. These bridges are very quick and easy to install as well as disassemble. Various dimensions can be manufactured to suit the needs of our customers.
Canada Rig Mats Ltd. also has a variation of the crane mat and offers a swamp pad. Swamp pads are made from 8”x8” Douglas-fir, Hemlock or SPF timbers. Like the crane mats, all timbers have minimal wane and 1” bolts which are counter sunk are used to fasten the mats together. One 8" timber is cut short at each end to expose the bolt which acts as a lifting point. Standard in stock sizes are 4'x16' and 8'x8'. As we mill our own logs, we can also custom build crane mats to whatever specification is required by the customer.
Strong • Safe • Durable • Reliable • Quality